Healing Civilization

Bringing Personal Transformation into the Societal Realm through Education and the Integration of the Intra-Psychic Family

by Dr. Claudio Naranjo, M.D.



Quality trade paperback, 260 pages

Healing Civilization

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Documenting the troubling manifestations of civilization's current crisis--violence, misogyny, racism, economic injustice, religious intolerance, and corporate greed--this breakthrough analysis posits the theory that the root cause can be found in patriarchy.

Revealing the pervasiveness of the patriarchal mind over the centuries, examples are provided to illustrate how it touches every level of life, including construction of economies and reliance on the media and extending to the treatment of children and one's own self. Describing the dangers of a society operating on dominator politics, this fascinating study explores the longterm damage done to the other aspects of inner being--mother and child.

Brilliantly weaving together history, anthropology, religion, economics, education, psychological development, personal growth, and political oppression, the sobering global situation is illuminated. Offering a hopeful plan for change, this meaningful guide proposes an integrated balance between the three inner aspects and provides a transformative plan that begins with the re-education of the coming generation of children and strives to build a world that is meaningful and harmonious.

Claudio Naranjo is at the forefront of those seeking to transform the world. For anyone wanting to make a difference for the better, Healing Civilization is a must-read!. . Michael Toms: President and host, New Dimensions Radio; author, Joseph Campbell in Conversation with Michael Toms, and A Time of Choices: Deep Dialogues for Deep Democracy

An explorer of the outer reaches of inner space, [Naranjo.s] depth soundings of the wells of history and civilization resound with the echo of one who hears the pathology while seeking the song of th new mythos of who we are, where we have been, and what we yet can be.. In Healing Civilization, Claudio Naranjo gives us back our once-and-future birthright.. In such seeing, there is the coincidence of opposites, the cessation of contendings, the seeing of all forms in one form, and yes, the resolution and bringing of new light to the long dark night of civilization.. . Jean Houston: author, A Passion for the Possible, The Possible Human, A Mythic Life: Learning to Live Our Greater Story; Program Director, United Nations, International Institute for Social Artistry; UNICEF advisor

Claudio Naranjo is one of the most respected pioneers of the human potential movement. His influence has been subtle yet pervasive, and many of the most interesting developments in personal growth can be traced to him. In Healing Civilization, he has situated our crisis of civilization in a global and historical context, and presents a stirring call and an exciting foundation for a truly transformative education. His approach is, as always, wise and inspiring because it so clearly emerges from a tremendous depth of personal experience into the far reaches of human possibilities. Claudio Naranjo has made a vital contribution to healing civilization in this perilous time of transition.. . Alfonso Montuori: Professor, Transformative Studies/Transformative Leadership, California Institute of Integral Studies

This is a grand theory of Civilization with capital c, denounced as a pathological carrier of patriarchy, with inspiration from a matriarchal past 6,000 years ago or so and promise of a more balanced future. Naranjo works very creatively with the universal Father-Man/Mother-Woman/Son-Daughter-Child triangle and three loves: the agape of the mother, the eros of the child, and father-male love of ideals-ideas. The last one has led to a catastrophic, pathogenic imbalance, with care and love removed. The therapy is to restore mental health: balance among the three loves, to overcome the inner dissociation between thinking, feeling, and doing. This focus on a common factor is a very important factor in the deep culture of civilizations, and a fine way of building the major correlation in violence studies . with gender . into peace studies. Thank you, Claudio!. . Johan Galtung: Professor of Peace Studies, Director of Transcend; Recipient of the 1987 Right Livelihood Award (the .Alternative Nobel Prize.)

In Healing Civilization, Claudio Naranjo takes an in-depth and grand vision of humanity in its full historical span, and draws conclusions about the future of our humanity. In this work he gives us some of his overriding insights into the malaise of our contemporary world, an understanding of where this resides and how it functions, and a vision of the way in which our human world may be brought back to a wholesome and integrated way of life.. There are strikingly original contributions being made here. I leave the joy of this discovery to the reader... Mitchell Ginsberg, Ph.D.: author, The Far Shore, The Inner Palace, and Calm, Clear, and Loving

Dr. Naranjo.s analysis is brilliant, enlightening, and easy to catch. His integral vision of .three-brained beings. (thinking, feeling, and doing) offers a profound vision for education in our time... Prof. Dr. Heinrich Dauber: Former Head, Center for Teacher Education, University of Kassel, Germany

The great critics of modernity and patriarchy, from Toynbee to Adorno or Foucault, have seldom been able to offer a realistic vision of civilizational alternatives. Claudio Naranjo's historical anthropology does exactly that. Putting forward the idea that the patriarchal society evolved as a pathological response of humans, as a result of very traumatic conditions in the past, that is no longer functional, Naranjo proposes a socio-therapy of .the patriarchal mind.. This could only come through an alternative education for the personal and social evolution of humans by balancing and transforming them as .three brained beings,. starting with the education of the educators themselves. Naranjo.s .culturatry. is a significant contribution towards a science of civilizational healing . and towards a .politics of civilization. envisioned by the French philosopher Edgar Morin... Wilfried Graf: Co-Director, Institute for Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding, Vienna, Austria

Once again, Claudio Naranjo brings his unique blend of tradition and freshness to bear on the problems and the possibilities of the modern world. His call for an education of love is not only an inspiring ideal, but it finds its practical reality in his now famous SAT curriculum. This inspiring book shows that the transformative education of teachers is the fundamental key to a more humane world. Teachers must not only know love, but be loving. They cannot simply talk about peace, but they must do so peacefully.. . John J. Hanagan, Ph.D.: Professor of Comparative Philosophy and Religion, Kansai Gaidai University, Osaka, Japan

No one who takes Education to heart should miss this work by one who echoes Dewey.s conviction that .if our education is to have meaning for our lives, it should undergo a complete transformation,. and ends his book by stating that .our future is a race between the transformation of Education and catastrophe... . Pedro Carlos García Arango: Former Vice-President, Council of Rectors of Private Universities