Tanks for the Memories

by E.J. Gold & Dr. John C. Lilly, M.D.



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Tanks for the Memories

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For the first time in print anywhere, a definitive series of introductory talks by two acknowledged masters of consciousness exploration.

Dr. Lilly, inventor of the "sensory attenuation tank," gives his baseline data and introduction to use of the floatation tank for a wide range of applications.

E.J. Gold, recorded at a tank workshop, provides an unusual perspective on states of consciousness and tank use for transdimensional voyaging and profound transformative effect.

Briefing Notes:

"Tanks for the Memories" is a collection of talks and writings centered around the use of isolation tanks, or sensory deprivation tanks, as tools for exploring consciousness and reality. Here's a breakdown of the main themes and key takeaways from the provided excerpts:

1. The Tank as a Gateway to Alternate Realities:

Sensory Deprivation and Expanded Consciousness: The tank's environment of darkness and silence eliminates external stimuli, allowing the mind to move beyond ordinary waking consciousness. This can lead to states of deep relaxation, heightened self-awareness, and even experiences that resemble alternate realities.

John Lilly: "There you can forget your body and concentrate on the working of your mind."

E.J. Gold: "The tank essentially is a doorway. Do not stop there. Do not linger in the tank space, go on through."

The Power of Belief in Shaping Reality: The tank environment emphasizes how beliefs shape our experiences. In the absence of external input, whatever we believe to be true within the tank can manifest as a perceived reality.

John Lilly: "Whatever one believes to be true either is true or becomes true in one's own mind, within limits to be determined experimentally and experientially."

Categories of Thinking and Transference: E.J. Gold introduces the idea of "categories of thinking" that correspond to different worlds or universes. By shifting one's thinking, it's possible to experience a "transference" into a different reality. The tank facilitates this by providing a space to experiment with new categories.

E.J. Gold: "In order to make the transference, you need to think in other categories... If it's totally inedible, and you want an ice cream cone, then you've got the Hungry Ghosts. How about you, what is this? A microphone. A microphone, welcome to the Human World."

2. The Nature of Self and Habits:

Habits as the Core of Identity: E.J. Gold emphasizes that our habits, both conscious and unconscious, constitute our true identity. These habits drive our thoughts, actions, and perceptions, even shaping the reality we experience.

E.J. Gold: "What you are then, your real identity, is composed of nothing more than your habits plus you as a Being which has no habits. What you are is what you have become rather than what you are."

Breaking Free from Limiting Habits: Recognizing and substituting conscious habits for unconscious ones is key to personal transformation and accessing greater freedom.

E.J. Gold: "...you cannot destroy habits, you cannot get rid of habits, you must substitute something else for a habit you do not wish to have."

The Importance of Self-Knowledge: To consciously change, one must first deeply understand their own habits and the motivations behind them.

E.J. Gold: "You must have complete self-knowledge, before you can work consciously on yourself. In other words, to be what you are rather than what you have become."

3. Beyond the Material Universe:

The Tank as a Representation of Our "Native State": The tank symbolizes a state of pure being, free from the constraints of the material world. E.J. Gold argues that this is our true origin and that the tank allows us to reconnect with it.

E.J. Gold: "The point is, when you have a chance to return to that state, to your native state, the tank is the easiest way to do it."

The Existence of Multiple Universes: The excerpts allude to the existence of multiple universes or realms, each with its own unique set of laws and experiences.

John Lilly: "Space and time as we know it are a function of matter and energy density. When the universe collapses, space, time and topology as we know it disappear. So a new topology, a new space, time, and dimension can appear."

The Transit State: The "transit state" is a state of being between universes, a bridge between realities. Learning to navigate this state is essential for conscious travel between worlds.

E.J. Gold: "Then you could come here and play. The transit state or bardo state is a state of substitution. The transit state is basically a substitute for not having a universe."

4. The Importance of Discipline and Practice:

Conscious Exploration Requires Effort: Accessing expanded states of consciousness and alternate realities is not passive. It requires dedicated effort, discipline, and the willingness to challenge one's habitual ways of thinking.

E.J. Gold: "The work on self is not complicated. It is extremely simple, but it takes about twenty years to apply it."

The Dangers of "Imaginary Survival": The excerpts warn against becoming trapped in self-created illusions or fantasies within the tank. The goal is to use the tank for genuine self-discovery and transformation, not escapism.

E.J. Gold: "A lot of people will throw away survival for imaginary survival; will throw away virtually, what amounts to immortality, in exchange for a few crummy years of suffering, of imaginary pleasure, after which they'll be reduced to their automatic habits."


"Tanks for the Memories" presents a profound exploration of consciousness and the nature of reality. The isolation tank serves as a powerful metaphor for the potential within each of us to break free from limitations, explore uncharted territories of the mind, and ultimately discover who we truly are.