Ennea-Type Structures: Self-Analysis for the Seeker

by Dr. Claudio Naranjo, M.D.



Quality trade paperback, 192 pages

Enneatype Structures

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A manual of character types, appropriate for typing oneself, with the author's recommendations for a beginning program of transformation using the enneagram material. Introduction by E.J. Gold, illustrated with caricatures and diagrams.

Ennea-type Structures is celebrated as the first book that Dr. Naranjo published on the enneagram of personality types. The author acknowledges here the source for this system, Oscar Ichazo and the Arica Institute. However, later in his career as therapist, teacher, and lecturer, Dr Naranjo stated that the detailing of the nine personality types, the elaboration of the character traits and fixations for each type, and the subtleties of type blends and relationships along the lines of the geometric enneagram figure--were Naranjo's own contributions. He was able to elaborate this universal and subtle tool due to his professional training as an M.D. and a psychiatrist; his additional advanced training with Fritz Perls (Gestalt Therapy) and Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche (Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism); and his decades of clinical practice as a therapist using ALL of the above!

Claudio Naranjo is the originator responsible for the launch of a global movement focused on the enneagram of personality types as a therapeutic tool. Readers will find in this introductory book that--like his mentor and colleague, Oscar Ichazo--Naranjo adds to the practice of character typing a focus on what he calls "ontic obscuration," a dimension of therapy and self-examination directed towards the experience of pure Being, the province of "transpersonal psychology."

Gateways would like to honor Claudio Naranjo here after his passing in July, 2019, and to let his readers know that his SAT Institute (Seekers After Truth) is still offering trainings in the U.S. and in Spain. His main Spanish publisher, Ediciones La Llave, is translating into English additional books by Dr. Naranjo published in Spain--so you can look forward to new titles by this influential author coming out from Gateways Books and Tapes as well as several other U.S. publishers in the next few years.

Briefing Notes:

Main Themes:

This book explores the nine personality types of the Enneagram, delving into their core motivations, defense mechanisms, and potential paths for self-development. Naranjo emphasizes the Enneagram's value as a tool for understanding and transcending the limitations of personality, ultimately leading to a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Key Ideas and Facts:

1. The Enneagram as a Map of Ego Fixation: Each Enneagram type represents a particular fixation, a distortion of perception and behavior stemming from a core fear or deficiency. This fixation manifests in a dominant "passion" or emotional tendency that drives the individual's actions and shapes their worldview.

2. Unveiling the Hidden Motivations: Naranjo emphasizes the importance of understanding the unconscious motivations underlying each type's behavior. For example, he highlights the hidden anger behind the Type 1's perfectionism, the pride fueling the Type 2's generosity, and the fear driving the Type 6's anxious vigilance.

3. Existential Psychodynamics: Naranjo explores the existential anxieties and struggles inherent in each type. He emphasizes the search for a sense of "being" and how this pursuit can become distorted through the lens of the ego fixation. For instance, Type 3 seeks "being" through external validation and achievement, while Type 5 withdraws from the world in pursuit of internal wholeness.

4. A Path to Liberation: The Enneagram is not just a tool for self-diagnosis; it offers a path to liberation from the limitations of personality. Naranjo stresses the importance of self-observation, awareness, and practices like vipassana meditation for developing a more centered and authentic self.

Important Quotes:

"From a lack of perceived sense of being-it is my contention- derives deficiency motivation, the basic oral drive that sustains the whole libido tree." This quote encapsulates Naranjo's view that the core fear of lack drives the individual's pursuit of fulfillment, often in distorted and ultimately unsatisfying ways.

"We may consider wrath in three ways… Firstly, a wrath which resides in the heart (Ira Cordis); also, inasmuch as it flows into words (Ira Locutionis), and thirdly, in that it becomes actions (Ira Actiones)." This quote illustrates Naranjo's detailed analysis of each passion, examining its manifestation across different levels of experience.

"The word passion has, for a long time, carried a connotation of sickness. In his Anthropologie Kant says, "An emotion is like water that breaks through a dike, passion like a torrent that makes its bed deeper and deeper. An emotion is like a drunkenness that puts you to sleep; passion is like a disease that results from a [chronic intoxication.]" This quote highlights Naranjo's view of passions as powerful forces that can become destructive when unacknowledged and unchecked.

"Psychoanalytic theory had for a long time the appearance of the exploration of a circle which had no obvious center until ego psychology got on the way." This quote suggests that the Enneagram provides a valuable framework for understanding the "center" of personality dynamics, offering insights into the ego's role in shaping perception and behavior.

"Work of self-observation such as I have been recommending is not only an occasion for the development of an observing self, which is an intrinsic aspect of progress along the path of self-knowledge; growth of the capacity to be a witness of oneself, in turn, is a factor that supports the harvesting of psychological insight." This quote underscores Naranjo's emphasis on self-awareness as a crucial step in transcending the limitations of the ego fixation.

Overall Impression:

Naranjo's work presents a comprehensive and insightful exploration of the Enneagram. He goes beyond simple personality descriptions, delving into the underlying motivations, fears, and desires that shape each type. The book is a valuable resource for anyone seeking self-understanding and personal growth, providing a roadmap for navigating the complexities of personality and uncovering the path to a more fulfilling life.