Trade Paperback, 6" x 9", Profusely illustrated
E.J. Gold has been a prominent and controversial figure in the Human Potential movement in California for over 45 years. He earned respect in the field of transformational psychology by the clarity, profundity, uniqueness and expertise of his writings and his emphasis on a practical approach towards transformation.
Thus far he has written dozens of books. The subjects he covers are wide-ranging, from attention and presence, the waking versus sleeping state, death and dying, to shamanism, interdimensional voyaging, artifact reading, imprinting and use, cosmic laws, the suffering of the Absolute, higher bodies, artistic expression, the Tarot, prayer, sufism, shakti, natural childbirth, and other themes.
Described as a teacher's teacher, his influence and association with contemporaries includes Timothy Leary, Dr. John Lilly, Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Robert Anton Wilson, Dr. Claudio Naranjo, Swami Vishnu Devananda, ChogyamTrungpa, Dr. Fritz Perls, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Reshad Feild, Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche, Heather Valencia, Robert De Ropp, Joan Halifax, Paul Anderson, and many others.
The Joy of Sacrifice is his early summary of the esoteric path of inner transformation. It is of universal relevance, a non-sectarian perspective, and a guidebook for those who have taken serious steps toward practices of awakening and soul work. This new edition is enhanced with 34 art works the author created in collaboration with the AI image generator Night Café.
The Importance of Sacrifice for Spiritual Growth: The text emphasizes the necessity of sacrifice as a crucial element in achieving conscious life and spiritual evolution. This theme permeates the entire document, highlighting various types of sacrifices and their specific impacts on being.
The Role of a School and Teacher in Guiding Transformation: The importance of a school and a teacher in facilitating the difficult journey of self-transformation is repeatedly stressed. The school provides the necessary structure and guidance while the teacher acts as a catalyst for inner change.
The Journey of Essence and the Corridor of Madness: The text outlines a process where the essence, or true self, undergoes a radical transformation by "eating" the psyche. This journey, termed the "Corridor of Madness", is depicted as a challenging and disorienting experience crucial for awakening.
The Ethics of Living a Conscious Life: Beyond specific sacrifices, the text establishes a code of ethics for individuals seeking a conscious life. These ethics cover various aspects of daily living, including hospitality, discourse, sanctuary, eating, and sleep.
Humanity's Unique Role: Human beings have a special obligation to participate in the universal plan through self-evolution. "As you are already aware, the appearance on Earth of the race of humans is a crucial event in the life of the Universe. The act of being human is a necessary and important stage in the evolution of a planet…And more importantly to you, in the personal evolution of the being."
Intentional Suffering as a Path to Evolution: The text suggests that intentional suffering plays a vital role in fusing the intellectual, emotional, and physical centers of a being, leading to self-perfection. "It allows us to actively participate in self-evolution by fusing the intellectual, emotional and physical centers into a single unified presence through the process of intentional suffering; to perfect ourselves through conscious labors; and to attain crystallization of the soul through the process of the collection and transformation of higher substances."
The Limitations of the Psyche: The psyche, or false self, is presented as a temporary construct that prevents us from experiencing life in an unbroken chain of consciousness. "The lifespan of the psyche is only as long as each "mask", or "posture" is in control of the organism…Usually about fifteen seconds. This is not sufficient time to accomplish anything, much less the processes of the collection of higher substances, and their perfection and crystallization into a real soul."
The Necessity of a School: The text highlights the need for a school to provide the structure and support necessary for enduring the challenges of the Corridor of Madness and achieving redemption. "One can learn to live alone, to be alone, even to work alone, but one cannot endure the corridor of madness without help of some kind. This special help is the true function of a school."
The Role of the Teacher: The teacher plays a crucial role in guiding students, creating challenging situations to push them beyond their comfort zones, and ultimately facilitating their transformation. "In a group effort the teacher selects only those who can genuinely be useful to each other, to themselves, to the teacher and ultimately to the Work."
The Nature of the Corridor of Madness: The Corridor of Madness is a period of intense inner transformation where the psyche is broken down and absorbed by the essence, leading to a new state of being. "This cave is also called "The Labyrinth." We call it the Corridor of Madness. It is the period during which the psyche is "eaten" by the essence - when the impressions stored in the false centers are transferred to the real essence centers. After this, essence emerges as the active - rather than the passive - force controlling the organism."
Importance of Habit in the Transformation: The text underscores the role of habits, both unconscious and consciously created, in shaping the essence and influencing the journey through the Corridor of Madness. "The nature of the Transit State is such that one can remain awake throughout the series of events in order to consciously choose one's path. It is not possible to "accidently fall into" the Path of Struggle, as many wish to believe."
Stages of Sacrifice: The document outlines a detailed sequence of 18 sacrifices, each with a specific focus and purpose. These sacrifices are not merely acts of self-denial but carefully designed stages meant to dismantle the limitations of the psyche and cultivate the potential of the essence.
"Nothing can be accomplished without sacrifices. If not for the possibility of sacrifice we could not attain conscious life."
"Sacrifices are very fierce weapons against sleep and its ally, self-love, but on the other end of that stick one can easily grow to like - even to cherish - one's Sacrifices."
"If you are in this room, and you know you are in this room, you are awake."
"Reach out actively for the words spoken in Sanctuary, rather than let them come to you passively."
"The work of the work group is 'to do nothing'."
"In the deepest self, one is nothing but habits, for only habits survive transition."
E.J. Gold is described as a prominent figure in the Human Potential movement with over 45 years of experience. He is a "shamanic rabbi" and author of numerous books on a variety of topics related to transformation and consciousness.
Note: The document provides a complex and nuanced perspective on the concept of sacrifice and its role in spiritual development. Further study and discussion are encouraged to fully grasp its implications.
How can Essence operate the Organism? What is Alchemical Fire?
I sat down to make a commentary on .The Joy of Sacrifice. and here it is 2 hours later, I have been reading it and can.t put it down. As I journey through I hear the authors' voice as if we were in the same room. Work on Self, Developing an Essential Self, .the genuine part of man., Ethics and the last part, the Sacrifices one must make as they journey thru the .Corridor of Madness..
Joy of Sacrifice is a must read if you are serious about .Practical Work On Self., which is another book by E.J.Gold. Take a look at it and you may want to read both at the same time.
Commentary by K.W.