The American Book of the Dead Guidebook

by E.J.Gold



6" x 9" format, paperbound.


American Book of the Dead Guidebook

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Guía del Libro Americano de los Muertos

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About the book

This Revised Standard Practitioner's Edition is a facsimile edition reprinting of the 1975 original book by E.J. Gold that was hand typeset and printed by the author on the A.B. Dick 326 in the basement of Red House in Crestline, California.

"If not 'All and Everything,' much about 'the All of Everything' is contained in the pages of this book. Tread this path and know that you will enter the space where the model of the thing becomes the thing itself. The language and cadence of these compassionate instructions awaken a deep majesty, the majesty of a space that is too vast and eternal to fit into the confines of any one tradition. These instructions point to an objective reality that is pointing back at us. One's attention is drawn into the words and the familiarity and truth of what is being described sound a deep internal bell that reminds us of our inevitable awakening. The precision of these instructions gives the Reader ease in resonating with the Voyager as well as vital practice. They originate from an infinitely compassionate Source, and we are invited to participate in that compassion consciously. The descriptions of the chambers and their corresponding apparitions and radiations serve to train our awareness for our final passage. The beauty is that in learning about our death we are given valuable lessons to apply to our lives. Blessings on the author for his uncanny knack of indirectly pointing us directly to Reality and helping us keep our gaze steady." -- Kelly Rivera

"I love this version! It has the classic text in a beautiful format, including The Map -- the stages out of ordinary human consciousness, and The 18 Sunday Sermons. The sermons are written in 'pedestrian language' available to the 'man on the street' -- Wall Street, Main Street, any boulevard or avenue we find ourselves on. Plain language, with no special vocabulary, allows us to 'be released from limited human consciousness into spiritual consciousness' -- The Map. And as it says, '. . . it has been done, so you can do it too.' -- The Eighth Sunday Sermon." -- Patricia Elizabeth, D.D.

The American Book of the Dead Guidebook (HARDBOUND)

by E.J.Gold


Regular: $149.95

Sale: $99.00

Hardbound -- with signed serigraph frontispiece

In the tradition of fine books, this hardbound edition of The American Book of the Dead Guidebook has beautiful hand-made end papers and a limited edition signed and numbered hand pulled serigraph frontispiece bound in.

"The binding and presentation of this book truly live up to the excellence of its content."