Practical Work on Self

by E.J. Gold



Trade Paperback

Practical Work on Self

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This chameleon of a book starts out to be a collection of Fourth Way and Zen practices, stacked in a certain order to be built upon in that order. It is, in this form, a primer of idea/exercises for attention and essence development, after which it becomes an "obligatory" - Basic Work On Self, after which it becomes an advanced training course, after.....

A Chapter From The Book


The practice of remembering ourselves, "invoking our presences", having the continual presence of "I" makes a "vibration of Being" which gradually forms a relatively permanent crystallization called "Gradation of Evolution".

The presence of the nonphenomenal source of attention within the awakened machine, because negative emotion is absent in the awakened machine, produces the vibration which gradually forms itself into the permanent crystallization which we call the Being.

Each stage of transformation of the Being produced by the awakened machine is called "Gradation of Evolution".

We can separate the process of transformation governed by the human biological machine into twenty-one definite Gradations of Evolution, each slightly more objective than the previous gradation in the sense of existing in higher and higher dimensions as we scale upward toward the Absolute.

Under no circumstance is it possible for us to attain the three highest forms of existence, the highest of which is the Absolute itself, pure Being. No one who knows anything would really wish to evolve to the gradation of the Absolute, and it would be of no benefit to oneself or to the Absolute. Each Gradation of Evolution represents a specific crystallization of the Being. These higher gradations of evolution can only be the results of intentional transformation.

The transference of the identity from the non-phenomenal source of attention to the Being is necessary for the moment of machine-death when it is once again returned to its natural organic source-of-substances.

Even the nonphenomenal source of attention eventually dies if it has existed without transformation, but the Being which has become a permanent crystallization can never die.

Perhaps we ought to first taste what it means never to die...maybe we would prefer to just fall into annihilation and forget everything.

No two Beings have exactly the same frequency of vibration,. Frequencies are limited in number because they are, as is everything, material. However, due to a surplus of apathetic humans and a corresponding paucity of transformed Beings, very few frequencies have ever been taken off the market.

The stable Gradation of Evolution several times removed from the ordinary state of a human being, when taken in relation to a successful transference of identity from the nonphenomenal source of attention to the Being, can be called "Objective Consciousness" when developed.

Although we may not understand exactly how this might be true, stepping through a doorway is to taste death in some form. When passing the threshold of a portal, we can use this a a reminding factor to exert our will to awaken the machine., Passing a portal, even in the form of an ordinary door, is like the moment of death, the passing of the portal for which we prepare ourselves all our lives. We practice the awakening of the machine during these little deaths so that at our passing, when the chains of life are thrown off, and we feel our life slipping away, we will have attention, presence, Being, and an unshakeable work-habit.

Only then will we taste of death and not feel its sting.

Briefing Notes:

Main Themes:

Awakening the Machine: The book uses the metaphor of a "machine" to represent the human biological organism, which operates largely on automatic, unconscious impulses. The primary aim is to awaken this machine through various exercises and techniques, allowing for intentional control and evolution.

Self-Observation and Impartiality: Key to awakening the machine is cultivating the ability to impartially observe oneself, particularly the machine's involuntary movements, emotions, and thoughts. This awareness provides the necessary leverage to break free from habitual patterns.

Will and Voluntary Action: Once awareness is established, one can begin to exert their true will, overcoming the machine's resistance and directing its actions towards conscious evolution.

The Role of Suffering and Discomfort: The book emphasizes that intentional suffering and discomfort, skillfully applied, can serve as a potent force for awakening the machine and breaking free from its habitual patterns.

Important Ideas and Facts:

The Four States of Consciousness:

Horizontal Sleep

Walking Sleep

The Awakened State

Transformation of the Being

"Horizontal Sleep and Walking Sleep we can already produce in ourselves without help from a school." (p.2)

The Power of Attention: Attention is a powerful tool that can be utilized to control the machine and eventually awaken it.

"But we do have the will of attention, and we can actively use this will of attention to observe the human biological machine and its activities both internal and external, without actually trying to interfere directly in the life of the machine." (p.6)

Centre of Gravity Questions: These are essential questions designed to create slight discomfort in the machine, leading to deeper introspection and potential awakening.

"To really make a question mean more than just our restless inquiry we must not seek a quick end to severe discomfort." (p.106)

Harmless Whim: This technique involves deliberately gratifying a small, seemingly insignificant desire to gain control over the machine and develop the will.

"To gratify a harmless whim can be a method of activating Real Will, which is to say, the will of the nonphenomenal self to awaken the machine over the will of the machine to remain asleep." (p.87)

The Crocodile: This metaphor refers to the entire repertoire of the machine's negative manifestations, which should be actively studied and understood.

"We will call the repertoire of all these negative manifestations of the machine taken as a whole, The Crocodile." (p.48)

Booby Du Jour: Each individual's most relied upon mechanical manifestation, often seemingly trivial, upon which the machine most depends. Identifying this "booby" provides leverage for self-observation and transformation.

"In the course of studying the machine, whichever of the two you decide to use, theatrical character of machine as a crocodile or as a weather studying the machine as a crocodile or as a weather character, try to find that particular manifestation - usually seemingly trivial - upon which the machine depends the most." (p.48)

"I" Can Do Anything: This exercise involves cultivating an "insane optimism" and willingness to perform any task, overcoming the machine's resistance and inertia.

"Pretend that you have discovered some substance which we will call 'Luckium'. Whenever you have supreme confidence in yourself, and whenever anyone asks you to perform a task, without considering once - or even pausing for reflection, except in consideration of your actual organic safety - you immediately express abject glee, agreeing immediately and unquestioningly to perform the task regardless of any dislike you may have toward it." (p.166)

The Last Hour of Life: This practice encourages living each hour as if it were one's last, extracting maximum value and presence from every moment.

"Look at life as a business in which time is money. Time literally represents the money of life. We are given a certain amount to spend and no more when we come into this world." (p.185)

The Importance of the Teacher: The book acknowledges the significance of a genuine teacher or "Sly Man" in this work, emphasizing the inherent difficulty in achieving awakening without guidance.

"He can find many in the doctrine of influence who have not the means or the sphere. He can find a way to entangle them in his doctrine. He can find a way to entangle them in his sphere of influence so as to force destiny to provide him with his pupils and at the same time provide a means for the necessary understanding to continue his work. He must already possess knowledge." (p.66)

Quotes from the Source:

"In any case, no one would be able to see the reality of the situation from a mere intellectual argument coming from outside." (p.2)

"We must somehow see, feel and sense for ourselves that the machine is really asleep; we may even see it as the dead in the grimest sense of the word." (p.2)

"In those days a few of us passed around copies of Ropp's The Master Game and Ouspensky's In Search of the Miraculous, trying to figure out how to do the exercises. We followed the tracks of monks and yogis and mystics through the Kabbalah, the Philokalia and Chuang Tze, not all popular authors." (p. ix)

"Man has no real place in the cosmic octave. He is nothing and less than nothing in the big scheme of things, but he has significance in another octave not concentrated in the Great Cosmic Octave." (p.154)


"Practical Work on Self" presents a unique and practical approach to self-development and spiritual evolution. It provides a concise but potent set of techniques and exercises designed to awaken the individual from their mechanical slumber and embark on a conscious path towards transformation. The book's use of straightforward language, vivid metaphors, and personal anecdotes makes it accessible and engaging for those seeking a path of inner work.

A Reader's Perspective

As I begin writing, I oblige readers to not interpret and make it another chaotic state of affairs, simply read, what has to stay with you, trust me it will. If you are a true seeker, divinity has its way of working with you and taking you to higher realms. Of course, effort has to be yours!

The mind, play of consciousness, machine, the ego, call it what you want is always at play making everything convoluted, when it can be simple, and in silent states, one laughs at each passing thought. Self-observation and awareness is the key. I practice non-judgment; the chaos at play is always at play, the strategy is to be playful.

A journey unexplained, started for me years ago and having been exposed to divine masters and their teachings over the years, the study of the self has only gotten deeper and it continues. For me, if there is a scared scripture such as 'Bhagavad Gita' from eastern roots, there is 'Practical Work on Self' (PWS) from western roots. In the current scenario, PWS is more apt for a seeker unless you understand India's scared scriptures and their deep esoteric knowledge. Having said that, stemming from Indian roots, this book has further enhanced my journey and has made my spiritual understanding deeper.

PWS came to me at a time, when I was at a junction standing directionless not being able to grasp why I was, after so many years of practice still reacting to external situations. I needed to find a way out of this slumber, slavery had to end! Thanks to E.J Gold's virtual ashram called 'Prosperity Path' on 'Second life', I had the opportunity to meet other spiritual seekers working for the world who opened a Pandora box of esoteric knowledge for me and ever since, there has been no turning back. The 2 books written by E.J Gold: American Book of the dead and PWS had a profound effect on me.

So, let me give you a peek-a-boo into what this titan of a book entails. Am sure those who have reached here have an inclination towards this study and understand we mechanically react to situations and our identifications are deep. What is a machine and who is an essential self? In retrospect, I have often seen a separation between the one who reacts and the one who is witnessing, I realized there is a mind operating on it's own, the so-called machine and the witness, the essential self does not have much control over it. However, with practical work on self, it is possible to awaken the machine.

This step-by-step guidebook supports one to gradually bring about a change and awaken the biological machine. It is not an instant process, can take years of practice. For me the fundamental training has been bringing my attention to the present moment using PWS exercises. As E.J says "The Work is not a study -- it's a lifestyle."

The seductions of so called 'Maya' (illusions) and identifications keeps me gripped. Attention oscillates between past events functioning from memory and fear of the future. I have no control over thoughts, and reasoning only makes it worse. This constant barrage of thoughts related to personal situations, events make me feel like a fish out of water.

Is there a way out for me? The answer is 'Yes'; using awareness exercises revealed in this book, like working with the left hand being right handed has brought about some awakening. Am sure all of you are travellers, you must have noticed that when we travel to a new destination, mind is always blank and there seems to be a dis-orientation, mind cannot function when it does not know, clearly because it is mechanical. One has to trick the nature of the mind!

Face it dear voyager, it ain't easy, first attempt is scary, for when we come to see so much of chaos, natural response is to blame someone else for it, escape the insanity, only to go back to sleep. Find out what these negative manifestations of the machine are, what is your chief weakness, what is happening, the work is yours, give it a momentum; It's not rocket science to find one's chief weakness for the swirling patterns go round and round in circles, PWS will retort to these queries.

A statement my master made 'Like what it dislikes' is apt for the machine. I have put myself in situations where the machine outraged, it was disparagingly important for me to see the functioning of the machine. In all this mayhem I continued my work -- a work wish to work for the benefit of all beings everywhere. E.J's scripted knowledge explored in his books will open such avenues.

Am trapped in sleep, 'I's' seem to be fragmented, one day I operate differently, the other day I operate some other way. Where is the real 'I'? I have begun that journey with the help of 'This Work Wish'.

Repeated efforts are required as practice is the only guarantee on the path, PWS is a spiritual bible and will help you tread moment to moment in bringing that awareness one seeks into the present moment. Don't waste more time in the labyrinth of lower dimensions, the higher dimensions are calling and it is your birthright.

Do you want to wait for the last hour of death when nothing can be done? If not, time has come Oh 'my earthly friend to recognize these functioning's of the machine and take the leap into the unknown!

By -- S.A.,WhiteSeer, PVA