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This recording of E.J. Gold reading The American Book of the Dead is a must-listen for those interested in death and dying and those that seek to live an awakened life.
With more than 125,000 copies of the American Book of the Dead sold, this irreverent, contemporary, and unique work brings the Tibetan teaching into contemporary American culture. Now in its 33rd year of publication! With special relevance to those who are sick or dying, this American interpretation of the timeless Tibetan spiritual classic is invaluable for anyone in spiritual crisis, preparing for death, or wishing to honor loved ones. The American Book of the Dead transforms our attitudes toward death so that we may learn to live through explicit, practical instructions to guide readers along the labyrinthine voyage of spiritual transformation. E.J. Gold discusses the states of life between birth and death -- and beyond -- as well as caring for the dying, building a personal altar, and ultimately, accepting one's own death or the death of a loved one.
As an extra bonus this book is profusely illustrated with absolutely stunning charcoal artworks by the author.
Navigating the Macrodimensions: The book serves as a guide to navigating the macrodimensions, described as the spaces we inhabit between lives. It details the experiences, challenges, and entities one might encounter during this transitional phase, drawing heavily on Buddhist and Eastern philosophies.
Dissolution of Ego and Liberation: A central focus is the dissolution of the ego and the achievement of liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth. Gold emphasizes the illusory nature of the self and the world, highlighting the importance of detaching from desires and clinging to achieve true freedom.
Conscious Rebirth and Womb Selection: The book delves into the process of conscious rebirth, offering techniques and considerations for selecting a suitable womb. It stresses the impact of karmic tendencies and habitual patterns on rebirth choices, encouraging readers to cultivate awareness and make intentional decisions.
The Macrodimensional Voyage: Death is not an end but a transition into the macrodimensions, a reality beyond ordinary human perception. This journey is fraught with challenges and encounters with various entities, often reflecting the voyager's own psychological and karmic baggage. (See "The Six Dimensions" section)
The Clear Light: The Clear Light, or void-without-qualities, is presented as the voyager's true nature, a state of pure awareness beyond ego and limitations. Recognizing and merging with the Clear Light is the ultimate goal, leading to liberation. (See "First Stage of the Voyage" and "Confronting the Clear Light" sections)
Habitual Patterns and Rebirth: Our karmic tendencies and habitual patterns from previous lives heavily influence our experiences in the macrodimensions and subsequent rebirth choices. Recognizing and transcending these patterns is crucial for breaking free from the cycle of suffering. (See "Introduction to the Macrodimensions" and "Third Stage: Reformation of Consciousness" sections)
The Role of the Beloved: The "Beloved" is a central figure representing the voyager's guiding principle, their higher self or Buddha-nature. The Beloved offers assistance and guidance throughout the journey, ultimately facilitating liberation. (See "Second Stage of the Voyage" and various chambers where the Beloved appears)
The Importance of Attention and Presence: Cultivating intense attention and presence is essential for navigating the macrodimensions and avoiding pitfalls. This heightened awareness helps distinguish between genuine guidance and deceptive projections of the mind. (See "Introduction to the Macrodimensions" and various readings throughout the book)
Techniques for Womb Selection: Gold provides specific techniques and visualizations for consciously choosing a suitable womb, emphasizing factors like the couple's energy, their level of consciousness, and the environment. (See "Guiding In: The Selection of a Womb" and specific chambers dedicated to womb selection)
On the illusory nature of the self: "The reality of the macrodimensional state depends on how much attention you can bring to bear on the actual present. If you've learned to function minimally...with a sort of dim permanent inattention punctuated only by an occasional shock, you're not very likely to notice the admittedly subtle differences between the organic and macrodimensional domains."
On the importance of transcending human conditioning: "Your experience of the macrodimensions can be altered by the powerful habit to be human, think as a human, perceive as a human, and most unfortunately…to react as a human, making the most extraordinary events and objects appear as if a normal human experience."
On the challenges of letting go: "For every ounce of intention you have of getting yourself liberated, there's a trillion tons of counter-intention stacked up against you."
On the role of the Beloved: "Concentrating my powerful voyager attention in this way, arousing in myself deep feelings of intense humility and faith in the unchangeable nature of reality...I allow myself to merge and become engulfed in the halo of rainbow radiation, the heart of the beloved, the seed of all universal forces, the realm from which there is no return."
On the ultimate goal of liberation: "By concentrating all my thoughts and beingness on this and allowing no other belief to enter into my consciousness, the reality of the womb and the fight to resist rebirth are destroyed. When the belief in a centralized self is destroyed there is nothing to be reborn."
The appendices offer practical tools and insights related to the book's themes, including:
Labyrinth Games: Descriptions of various scenarios and challenges one might encounter in the macrodimensions.
Rebirth Stations: A partial list of potential rebirth locations across different dimensions.
Illustrations: A list of illustrations by E.J. Gold that visually represent concepts from the book.
"The American Book of the Dead" is a complex and challenging exploration of the afterlife journey, offering guidance and techniques for achieving liberation. It invites readers to confront their deepest fears and attachments, ultimately encouraging a conscious and intentional approach to death and rebirth.
The ultimate questions have always been burning in me since I can remember. This book, though frequently hard for me to understand, is a living, breathing interactive life teaching designed to help those who die find their way through the in between lives state, be liberated or at least find a good re-birth. Reading it provides a deep sense of purpose that one is helping others and reveals depths of personal understanding in mysterious non-linear ways. When I came across this book in a spiritual library my first hit was that it was the profoundest writing I have encountered. Studying it daily, confirmed this to be true and forms the foundation of all my work.
"As of late I carry the ABD around with me. Actually I am taking the example from my Avatar in Second Life. I don't carry it in my left hand however, it is in my bag. It helps me to feel connected to the Source of all Creation. My favorite reading is the Clear Light, Reading #4. Although there are other passages I enjoy as well. Well, just say the whole darn book! I read it a lot, I always have enjoyed doing readings for others. So when someone needs a Reading and I have knowledge that they do, I can whip out my book and read away! I know the Clear Light reading by heart, but by reading it, I feel Beings can peer over my shoulder and see what I am reading. I am very devoted to E.J. Gold, and I am so glad he passed and passes so much knowledge to us. Just being in his presence or perimeter, there is a sense of Peace and Light. There has been a request in my community for me to do another Labyrinth Readers ABD class. Will keep you posted of that..."
-- S.A.
"The American Book of the Dead didn't just change my life. It blew the lid clean off of it. I now have a spectacular view of the stars."
-- K.T.
"Just as a midwife assists birth, the reader of the American Book of the Dead assists voyagers who have passed into the macrodimensions to attain liberation or to achieve a conscious and deliberate rebirth on re-entry into the human dimension in which the voyager may select a living creature with which to associate; such symbiotic association is commonly called, from the organic view, a lifetime."
--Excerpted from The Professional Labyrinth Reader's Handbook
"Americans do not like to think about death, or read or write about it, much less think about preparing for it. E.J. Gold's book is an attempt to wake us up and get us ready for the greatest change of all, for the most important moment of our lives. This is a groundbreaking work, definitely worth reading." --Andrew Weil, M. D. (author of the Natural Mind)
"Gold's work.understanding, unscholarly, and humorous.is likely to stimulate in its reader an attitude, as well as an orientation, toward the ultimate (which is) beyond attachment/aversion to experience." --Claudio Naranjo (author of Ennea-type Structures and How to Be)
"This unique book brings the Tibetan teaching into contemporary American culture. With special relevance to those who are sick and dying, this American interpretation of the timeless Tibetan spiritual classic is invaluable for anyone in spiritual crisis, preparing for death, or wishing to honor loved ones. The American Book of the Dead transforms our attitudes toward death so that we may learn to live -- through explicit, practical instructions to guide readers along the labyrinthine voyage of spiritual transformation." -- Michael McDonnell
"I came across Gold first on his IntegralNaked conversations with Stuart Davis about the American Book of the Dead, which I really enjoyed. I just finished reading that book to my recently deceased father yesterday as it happens. It was a huge help to me to have that perspective on death, and I hope it helped him too."
I recently lost my best friend, and the American Book of the Dead by E.J. Gold was an incredibly helpful resource during this difficult time. The book not only provided practical guidance on how to support my friend during his final days, but also gave me perspective on death, dying, and the afterlife. Teachings on death and rebirth offered in the book were insightful and helped me understand what my friend might be experiencing in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. The book also helped me come to terms with my own mortality and find comfort in the idea of dying and rebirth. I believe the readings helped both my friend and me during the transitional process into the afterlife. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is dealing with death and loss. It's a powerful tool that can help guide you through the daunting journey of life and death."